[PTabbedContent][PTab=The Races]Faeling Revolution has a verity of different races available for play. Select the tabs above to read information about any of the races available for play on this site. Please keep in mind only the listed races can be played, any other races simply cannot.
Each of our races are devoid from three master races: the humans, the fairies, and the pixies. Each of those three races are humanoid. The fairies and the pixies make up the Fae whom rule over and occupy the Fae Kingdom. The humans control a vast majority of the lands on the continent The halfies are those of at least half human heritage. The faelings are the blended heritage of the fairies and pixies. All the races are able to breed with the others.
All of the races age mentally and sexually equal to one another. Teenagers are the same across the three primary races as is adulthood. Fairies however can live up to three hundred years, much longer than the other races. This is due to their water magic, granting them more life.
Races with Flight: Fairy and Faeling.
Races with Magic: Fairy, Pixie, Halfie, and Faeling.
The Humans
Humans are the one race on Faeling Revolution that don't have any magic. They cannot make things happen at the snap of a finger unless they're extremely wealthy. Humans come from a world of technology. They grew up in a modern city, with modern day conveniences. Basically like the humans today in our world.
Their main city is called Cresthallow which was founded around 880 after a series of conquests of humans overtaking the new continent they discovered a century before. As time went by Cresthallow became their main trade of port and the capitol of a powerful human kingdom known as Crestle. Today they're the capitol of their modern country and a central place for human education, trade, and culture. Despite being a few hours away from the sea, Cresthallow is not a landlocked city and the humans commonly live near rivers and the lake.
Their curiosity gets the best of them. The humans started the war with the Fae by simple curiosity of a creature they thought was myth. Humans are notorious loggers, but in recent years have slowed down their consumption of forest products and focused upon trade with the Fae.
There are still hostile human groups who believe in human superiority over all the land including over the Fae. This group is known as The United (originally Cresthallow United in the old days). They are for full and equality under human rule.
Magic does not interfere with human technology. Humans cannot learn to do magic.[/PTab]
The Fairies
The fairies are a peaceful group of humanoids that places a great amount of belief and trust into tradition. They live long lifespans, much longer than a human of upwards to three hundred years. They however age mentally and physically similar to humans.
The fairies trust in the elements around them. They hold superstition and their traditions close to their heart. They believe a location like the Windsqual is the source of all their magic and the most sacred part of the Fae lands due to the endless rain. Each fairy can do magic and are brought up with magic in their life. They are of two elements: the wind and water. With the water they believe in life, and commonly practice around life which also explains their longevity. The wind allows them to soar to the skies.
Fairies are at most a foot tall with colorful hair. They do have natural hair color similar to the humans, but it isn't a surprise to see them with other colors in their hair such as purple, blue, or pink. Fairies are a trusting people, and believe in peace and as little conflict as possible as a people. Every decision their government makes takes often times years due to their belief their race must stand together unanimously.
Fairies place a great amount of trust and care into people and the world around them. They're often times healers, artists, chefs, or leaders as they can usually keep level headed. However, this stereotype doesn't apply to all fairies. Such as humans are a curious race, not all humans are curious. Fairies have a natural love for the rain. They can manipulate water quite easily and have built a gorgeous aqueduct system within the tree roots of the forest.
They hold a great respect for their Queen. Despite them having following the ruling family and losing a vast majority of their lands. They are a very compassionate people and they allowed the pixies to come and join them due to the encroaching human reaches. Fairies are commonly a curious sort and watch over others. They can make escapes by flight. Wings aren't always around fairies, as their wings are of magic. They can summon them at will. Their magic works within the human cities.
Fairies are very traditional in their beliefs and morals, commonly. The fairy population isn't that keen about new ideas until proven. [/PTab]
The Pixies
Pixies are of the earth and fire. They're a mischievous bunch. They tackle things head on and get offended easily. They aren't a group that stand as one as the fairies do, but, they can unite under a common cause. Their homeland was once known as Ni'sah but all of it was lost due to the human conquest. They tried to drive the humans away, but the fairies stopped them claiming that their size is the only thing that protects them.
The pixies believe they were once the forest, and are the spirits of the forest. Their job is to protect the forest. They worked and lived in harmony with the fairies for millenia caring for their vast lands of a forest that stretched to no end. They cared for two of the three primary magical creatures of the realm: kitsunes and unicorns. With the human invasions of their land, the pixies felt threatened and attacked back destroying human villages, helping the forest regrow and take back the roads, or even causing great fires that accidentally spread into the forest. They had meant to destroy the human city, but they didn't mean to burn down part of their forest.
Unlike their counterparts, the pixies have no power of flight. But, they do have magic. While the fairies have control to manipulate wind and water the pixies can control earth and fire. They strike a balance in-between the two races and that is why the races are commonly blended. They hold a small height like the fairies, but are most definitely not fairies. Pixies age similar to humans and don't have as long as lifespans as the fairies, though recently with the help of the fairies they're starting to live longer.
They now share a home with the fairies inside the Fae Kingdom, a small part of the original lands of the fairies. The entirety of the original pixie lands of Ni'sah have been lost. Some pixies are still frustrated over this, despite it having been centuries and have formed a group known as The Ni'sah in hopes to regain pixie sovereignty despite a majority of their homeland having been logged. Pixies can control forest growth, a large group of them can cause expansion such as the pixies did in the beginnings of the human wars and took the capitol in the winter of 1987.
Their magic is as every bit as powerful and equal to the fairies. It doesn't interfere with human technology. They cannot fly. The current king, married to the Queen of the Fae (who is a fairy) is a Pixie.
Pixies are more freeformed and not as strong on traditions as the fairies are, they're much more open to new ideas.
The Halfies
The halfies are a term used by the humans to describe a half fae and half human child. They're quite rare, especially over the age of 25. In the recent years they've been becoming more and more common. Halfies with fairy ancestry do have flight, but struggle with learning it and it doesn't come as easily. They can be every as bit as strong as a pixie or a fairy when it comes to magic, however they must be raced and taught with this magic or else it'd be difficult to use, especially as they age. Halfies are welcome in both words and may grow up where their parents deem them to grow up at. [/PTab]
The Faelings
The faelings aren't an uncommon race. The term has been known for as long as the pixies and fairies have known each other. It is what is used to refer to a mixed race child, most commonly at least half fairy and half pixie. Faelings can enjoy the best of both worlds and control of four elements. However, they do find it difficult to learn all four and can have a tough upbringing wondering if their pixie or fairy side would be more dominant. Here's a hint: Neither is more dominant if they're 50/50 they're equal. It takes time for them to learn.
Faelings have been getting a great deal of prominence in the past few centuries, including their beloved now deceased Prince Casmir being a faeling himself. Faelings are simply like every child growing up, and need to be nurtured. They often feel ties to both worlds and they're encouraged to learn both the ways of the fairies and the ways of the pixies.
They have a great control of magic, just like their fairy and pixie counterparts. [/PTab]